British Studies at the U
Welcome to British Studies
British Studies at the University of Utah’s College of Humanities is a vibrant field of research, embracing scholars working on aspects of the literature, history and culture of the British Isles, as well as many of the former colonies of the British Empire, from the early Middle Ages to the present day. Current topics of investigation by British Studies researchers in the College range from a seventh-century enslaved Anglo-Saxon who became a queen of France, to the depiction of zoos in Victorian novels, and from puppetry in English Renaissance Theater to the politics of food in the modern British welfare state and the racialization of the Irish in Britain and the US.

The Gordon B. Hinckley Endowment supports the following:

Postdoctoral Fellows
The Gordon B. Hinckley endowment supports two Postdoctoral Fellows in British Studies, one held in the English department, and one in History. These are currently held by Dr.Sam Tett, and Dr. Chelsea Reutcke.
Gordon B. Hinckley Lecture
The prestigious annual Gordon B. Hinckley Lecture in British Studies is delivered by a leading scholar working in any aspect of British Studies broadly conceived. On alternate years it will be given by a visting scholar from outside the University of Utah. This lecture series revives an earlier Gordon B. Hinckley Lecture, which ran from 2005 -2013.
The first lecture of the relaunched series was given in 2024 by Chris Jones, the inaugural ESRR Professor of English at the University of Utah. The 2025 lecture will be given by Emma Sutton, Professor of English at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

London Seminar in Literature & Culture
Since 2002, the Hinckley Endowment has helped support the English Department’s London Summer Seminar. Over 300 students have received scholarships to study British literature in London, the capital city of the country where it originated, and which President Hinckley loved so much.